
8 Weeks Postpartum Update

We I can’t believe its been two months since we welcomed little Story into the world. I definitely think time goes so much faster when you have more than one child. I remember when Palace was a baby; I was always anxiously waiting for her next milestone and excited to see her change! I’m having so much fun watching Story grow and change too, but at the same time I’m willing time to slow down just a bit! They really do change so quickly! Story is really starting to coo and smile and respond to our voices! I forgot how adorable baby coos are! Palace can really get her going. It makes my heart so full watching them interact.

I’m feeling pretty great overall. I feel like I’ve “bounced back” a lot quicker this time. Maybe that’s because I knew what to expect this time. I’ve tried not to set unrealistic expectations for myself, however, I really want to fit back into my clothes! I’ve already come so far, but I still feel like I’m a ways a way from my goals. It can be discouraging sometimes! I just keep reminding myself that everything is a process! My body didn’t get this way overnight and its not going to go back to the way it was overnight. I’m going to keep pushing forward and making healthy choices and I’m going to be proud of my body and the season it’s in. I’m a darn good mother and I wear that title proudly! While growing my second beautiful daugthter, I accumulated a few more stretch marks, a wrinkly belly button and some varicose veins, but I’m choosing to wear my scars proudly too! I understand how hard that can be but, you know what? I think its even harder to spend all of my time focusing on my flaws and dwelling on things I can’t change. I also think its easier to change the things WE CAN change when we have grace on ourselves and choose to love our bodies in all their glorious imperfections.

Story sleeps so well! I seriously can’t believe it! Sometimes I think its too good to be true! She is just a really great baby! She’s very content and rarely cries. She loves baths just like Palace did! She loves being pushed in her stroller. She is already rolling over and holding her head up really well.

Palace seems like she is starting to adjust well to a new baby in the house. We had a few really tough weeks! I’m not going to lie, I was having a hard time dealing with Palace acting out all the time. I felt like it was putting a strain on our relationship. She has always been so close to me. She’s my little bff, and I was getting really upset. However, my mom gave me some great advice that has really helped. She told me to set time aside to play with Palace one on one. She said to try to do it when Story is awake so that Palace sees that she doesn’t only get attention when the baby is sleeping. She also told me to take Pally out once and a while by herself and verbalize to her that this is a special time with just her and I. My mom also said, “Once Palace starts to see that you love her the same as you did before and starts to feel confident and secure in her relationship with you, she won’t feel the need to act out to get attention.” Palace is doing much better now. I try to remember that children go through stages just like adults do! They have feelings just like adults do too. They just don’t always know how to express those feelings the right way. It’s our job to listen and observe and teach them how to express their feelings.

Another thing I am learning is that its important to have a routine. I’ve never been the type of person to follow a strict schedule. I work better when I go with the flow. However, its still important for me to implicate some type of routine throughout my day. Its usually just a few small things I try to stick to that help me have just enough predictability throughout my day. Another thing I’ve learned is that it’s not good for me to set unrealistic goals and expectations for myself, my husband and my kids in a given day. I try to teach my kids to be able to adapt. Things don’t always go according to plan. When our kids can roll with the punches it makes life a lot less stressful. That’s why I like to have a routine, but not a schedule. It’s important to do what works best for you and your family and your sitaution. It’s also important to have grace on yourself, your children and your spouse on the days that end up turning out a little differently than you planned.

Thanks for reading! I hope this encouraged you in some way! You’re doing better than you think! I’m praying that Jesus grants you grace and patience, carries you on the hard days and reminds you that you are beautiful and made in HIS image!


OUTFIT DETAILS: My favorite color is pink and I am obsessed with this gorgeous magenta dress from Pink Blush. They sell maternity and non maternity clothes. This dress is also easy for me to nurse in! You can check it out here!

Plusss, they have so many other stunning dresses for every occasion! Check them out here!



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